For an active lifestyle for body & mind

For an active lifestyle for body & mind

Motivators and barriers to physical exercise according to Eurobarometer

Motivators and barriers to physical exercise according to Eurobarometer

The European Commission’s 5th Eurobarometer dedicated to sport and physical exercise shows that the main motivator is to improve health, while the main barrier is lack of time. However, the motivators and barriers for physical activity varies among EU member states as well as among socioeconomic groups.

Motivators and barriers to physical exercise across Europe

Motivators and barriers to physical exercise according to Eurobarometer

A contradictory outcome can be identified in Sweden since it is one of the top five countries where it is most common of participating in physical activity. But at the same time it is at the top of the barrier list of respondents answering no motivation or interest for physical activity. That indicates a division in the Swedish society. A result that more correlates is Greece that is 2nd on the barrier list of respondents saying they have not time for physical activity. At the same time as Greece is one of the countries with the most working hours per citizen in the EU.     

Evolutions since the 4th Eurobarometer on physical exercise

In terms of evolutions since 4th Eurobarometer on physićal activity 2017, the share of respondents who say that they never exercise or play sport has fallen in 17 EU Member States, and by two digits in five countries: Malta (31%, -25 percentage points), Latvia (33%, -23), Estonia (30%, -18), Croatia (40%, -16) and Czechia (26%, -15). Conversely, it has risen in seven countries, most notably in Poland (65%, +9), Hungary (59%, +6) and Portugal (73%, +5). Finally, it is unchanged in Greece, Denmark and Cyprus. 

Click here for 5th Eurobarometer dedicated to sport and physical activity

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